Update Salesforce Password & Security Token in DBSync


  1. For uninterrupted integration, update Password in DBSync setup when Password in Salesforce changes. In addition to this, update the New Security Token. If the Salesforce Password or Security Token is incorrect, integration will be unsuccessful. Follow the steps listed below to update Salesforce Password and Security Token.

  2. Open www.mydbsync.com. Hover over My Account. Click on Customer Login.

  3. Enter your DBSync Username and Password. Click on Sign in.

  4. Once logged in, to navigate to DBSync project page, click on Development Studio on My Home tab.

  5. Click on the Project and select the required project. Click on the Connectors button on the left panel.

  6. You will see a list of Salesforce and QuickBooks connectors.

  7. Click on Salesforce Connector. Select appropriate End Point under Quick Setup tab. Click on Connect to Salesforce. This will take you to Salesforce login page. Enter your Username and Password to login into Salesforce. Once you login into Salesforce, your Salesforce connector will be connected to your Salesforce instance. If you want to connect using different Salesforce instance, click on Disconnect on the Quick Setup tab. Then, connect using the required Salesforce credentials.

  8. You can also use Advanced Properties tab to connect to your Salesforce instance. Go to Advanced Properties, fill in the Salesforce Username, Password and Security Token of your Salesforce Instance. Select the appropriate End Point. Once you enter all the required details, click on Validate Connection. If the validation is successful, click on Save to Save the Salesforce details. If the validation fails, you will see Validation Errors on the top right corner. Review details in the Validation Errors section and make the necessary changes in Advanced Properties. Click on Validate Connection again.

Last updated