Published Templates

Learn how to access the published templates in DBSync Cloud Workflow


DBSync Cloud Workflow allows you to publish any task as a template for repetitive use. These templates can be published as a private or a public template. The templates that you publish in DBSync Cloud Workflow are stored in a central repository that you can access from the DBSync Cloud Workflow platform. By leveraging these customized templates, you can quickly implement custom integration scenarios without the need to develop a mainstream integration technique. This enables you to set up automated workflows as per your requirement and needs.


To access the DBSync Cloud Workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Login to DBSync Cloud Workflow by navigating to the DBSync website.

  1. Click Login and choose Cloud Workflow.

  2. Enter the Username and Password credentials that you provided during signup and click Login.

  1. After logging in, you will be redirected to the DBSync Cloud Workflow Home Screen.

  2. Expand the hamburger icon in the left pane and click Templates. The landing page lists all the available custom built templates.

Upload Template

  1. Follow the steps to create a Task as mentioned.

  2. Once you finish building the task, click Settings and click Upload Template to create the customized task as a template.

  1. Specify the Name of the template and the version number, and click Save. You will be redirected to the Templates page to verify the specifics of your newly created template.

Expand each template to view the following fields;

  • Version Number: Displays the version number of the template.

  • Status: Displays the status of the template - if it is available as Publish for marketplace or Internal Template Library.

  • Owner: Displays the name of the user who created the template.

  • Created On: Displays the date the template was created.

  • Action: You can choose to Download the template or Request Review.


Each task will have a version number, and can be viewed by expanding the task name row. Each version can be sent to the marketplace or publish as internal template or share with others.

Publish Template

You can perform these actions for each versions of the Template;

  • Publish for Marketplace: This option enables the user to publish the template to the marketplace/global template library where the template can be accessed by any DBSync Cloud Workflow platform user across organizations.


To do this, the user needs to go through the Template Review process which will be reviewed by DBSync App Center Admins.

  • Publish to Internal Template Library: This option enables the user to publish the template within the organization level to other team members.

  • Activate/Deactivate a Template: This option enables the user to publish/unpublish the template from the marketplace.

  • Request Review: This option enables the user to submit the Template for a review process in which the created template will be reviewed by DBSync App Center Admins.

  • Cancel Request Review: This option enables the user to cancel the Request Review by clicking the dropdown action - Cancel Request.

  • Share template: This option enables the user to share the template with another user by entering the email address of the recipient. Additionally, the template can be shared via a link.

  • Download Template: This option enables the user to download any particular version of the task by clicking the download icon which will be downloaded as a zip file to the user’s local system.

  • User permissions for Publishing a Template: Publish for Marketplace and Publish as Internal Template features are permission based. If the DBSync App Center admin allows any of the users with these 2 permissions, then the feature is active for the respective users.

Last updated