WooCommerce Connector

Connecting WooCommerce Connector in DBSync Cloud Workflow


Integrating WooCommerce with DBSync Cloud Workflow allows seamless data exchange between your WooCommerce store and other applications. Follow this guide to set up and configure the WooCommerce connector.


Before starting, ensure you have:

  • A valid DBSync account.

  • Access to your WooCommerce store with API credentials (Consumer Key and Consumer Secret).

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Login to DBSync Cloud Workflow: Navigate to the DBSync website and log in using your username and password.

  2. Create a New Project: Click on 'Create' to start a new project.

  3. Provide a name for your project, such as 'WooCommerce Integration'.

Add a WooCommerce Connector

  1. In your project workspace, select Add Connector.

  2. Choose WooCommerce from the list of available connectors.

Configure the WooCommerce Connector

  1. Enter the required configuration details:

  • Store URL: The URL of your WooCommerce store.

  • Username: The API Consumer Key generated from your WooCommerce settings.

  1. Ensure that API access is enabled in your WooCommerce settings.

Test the Connection

  1. Click on Test Connection to verify that DBSync can successfully connect to your WooCommerce store.

  2. Confirmation message: You should see a confirmation message if the connection is successful.

Create a Flow

  1. Drag and drop a 'Flow' action into your project workspace.

  2. Click Configure and provide a description for the flow, such as Sync WooCommerce Orders.

Add Query Action

  1. Add a Query action to specify what data you want to pull from WooCommerce, such as orders or products.

  2. Configure the query by selecting the WooCommerce connector as the source and specifying the object (e.g., Orders).

Map Fields

  1. Add a Transform and Write action if you are sending data to another application (e.g., QuickBooks).

  2. Map the fields from WooCommerce to the target application, by clicking on Map button.

Run the Integration

  1. Click the Run icon to execute the integration.

  2. Monitor the console output for any errors or confirmation messages.


  1. Add a Debug action if you encounter issues to inspect the data being processed.

  2. Identify discrepancies in the integration.

Review Results

  1. After running the integration, check the console output to ensure that the data from WooCommerce is processed correctly.


Regularly monitor your integrations and set up alerts to notify you of any issues, ensuring smooth and continuous data flow between WooCommerce and other applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  1. How do I generate API credentials in WooCommerce?

Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API. Click on "Add Key", fill in the details, and generate the key.

  1. Can I connect multiple WooCommerce stores to DBSync?

Yes, you can add multiple WooCommerce connectors, each configured with the respective store’s API credentials.

  1. How often can I run the WooCommerce integration?

You can schedule the integration to run at intervals that suit your business needs, from real-time to daily syncs.

  1. What if the connection test fails?

Double-check the Store URL, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret for accuracy. Ensure API access is enabled in WooCommerce settings.

  • Creating Custom Tasks: Learn how to develop custom tasks using the DBSync Task Builder.

  • Query: Adding queries to retrieve data from various sources

  • Integrating Variables: Using variables to pass data between actions

  • Log Management: This section explains how to manage and view logs in DBSync, helping you troubleshoot and monitor integration processes.

  • Transformation: This page offers examples of how to use query transformations in your integration projects within DBSync

Last updated