
How to Use the "File Connector" in DBSync Cloud Workflow


The DBSync File Connector allows users to easily manage file transfers between local systems and cloud storage. This connector enables users to perform various operations such as uploading, downloading, and processing files within their workflows. It is particularly useful for automating file handling tasks in integration processes.


To use the File Connector, a user must:

  • Have a valid license for the DBSync File Connector.

  • Have access to the DBSync Cloud Workflow platform with a username and password.

Steps to Use the File Connector

Login to DBSync Cloud Workflow

  1. Navigate to the DBSync website and click on Login.

  2. Choose Cloud Workflow from the options.

Enter Login Credentials

  1. Provide your User Name and Password and click Login.

Create a New Project

  1. Once logged in, click on Create to start a new project. Name your project (e.g., File Management Project)

Add a Task:

  1. Click on Add Task and name it (e.g., File Upload Task).

  2. Assign the task to a 'Bot' and click 'Configure'.

Add the File Connector

  1. In the task configuration screen, look for the option to add connectors. Select Add Connector and choose File Connector from the list.

Configure the File Connector

  1. Enter the required configuration details:

  • File Path: Specify the local file path for uploading or downloading files.

  • File Type: Define the type of files you will be working with (e.g., CSV, XML).

  • Operation Type: Choose the operation you want to perform (e.g., Upload, Download).

Define File Properties

  1. Specify any additional properties needed for file processing, such as:

  • Recipient: If sending files via email after processing.

  • File Name: If you want to rename the file during the upload or download process.

Add Conditional Logic (Optional)

  1. Implement any conditional actions that determine when the file operations should occur based on specific criteria defined in your workflow.

Add Debugging (Optional)

  1. To ensure everything is working correctly, you can add a Debug action to print out the status or results of the file operations.

Save and Run the Workflow

  1. Click 'Save' to store your configuration.

  2. Click the Run icon to execute the workflow. Monitor the console output for any errors or confirmation messages regarding the file operations.

Review Logs

  1. After running the integration, check the logs to verify that the files were successfully uploaded or downloaded. This will help you identify any issues that may have occurred during the process.

Uses of File Connector

  • Automated File Transfers: Streamline the transfer of files between local systems and cloud storage, eliminating manual intervention.

  • Scheduled Backups: Automate the backup of critical files to cloud storage, ensuring data integrity and availability.

  • Data Processing: Integrate with other systems to process files (e.g., transform data formats) before uploading or after downloading.

  • File Distribution: Distribute files to multiple recipients or systems based on predefined rules and conditions.


When configuring the File Connector, always ensure that the file paths and permissions are correctly set to avoid errors during file operations. Double-check the directory paths and access rights for smooth file transfers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What types of files can the File Connector handle?

The File Connector can handle various types of files, including but not limited to CSV, XML, JSON, and text files. You can specify the file type during configuration.

2. Can I schedule file transfers using the File Connector?

Yes, you can schedule file transfers using the File Connector by configuring tasks and workflows to run at specific intervals or times.

3. How can I ensure the security of my files during transfer?

Ensure that your file paths and permissions are correctly set. Additionally, you can use secure file transfer protocols and encryption to protect your files during transfer.

4. Can the File Connector handle large files?

Yes, the File Connector is designed to handle large files. However, the performance may vary based on the size of the files and the available network bandwidth.

Last updated