Logs Screen

Logs in DBSync Cloud Workflow


The Logs feature in DBSync Cloud Workflow provides users with detailed records of actions and events related to their projects. This allows for effective monitoring, troubleshooting, and management of workflows. Logs can be accessed easily from the project interface, enabling users to filter, search, and analyze log entries based on specific criteria.

Steps to Access and Use Logs

Access the Logs Section

  1. Login to DBSync Cloud Workflow: Navigate to the DBSync website and log in with your credentials.

  2. Open a Project: Select the desired project from the dashboard, Select a Task from the list by clicking on Configure where you want to view the logs.

  1. Navigate to Logs: Find the Logs option next to the Flow Builder tab for the selected project.

Filter and Search Logs

  1. Use Filters: Utilize the available filters to narrow down log entries based on criteria such as:

    Date Range: Select a specific time frame to view logs.

    User: Filter logs by the user who initiated the task.

    Workflow Name: Search for logs related to specific workflows.

  2. Search Functionality: Use the search bar to quickly locate specific log entries by entering relevant keywords or identifiers.

Review Log Information

  1. Log Details: Each log entry provides important information, including:

  • Process: Displays the template name along with the project ID and task ID.

  • Command: Indicates whether the task was run or not (e.g., "Run").

  • Data Processed: Shows the status of data processing (e.g., "Records Processed: 10 / 1" indicates 10 records were processed successfully, while 1 record failed).

  • Start Date: The date and time when the sync started.

  • End Date: The date and time when the sync ended.

  • Duration: The total time taken for the sync process.

  • Actions: A detailed account of the task's execution, including key actions and performance metrics.

Manage Logs

  1. Download Logs: Click the Download option to save individual log entries to your local system for offline review.

  2. Clear Logs: Use the Clear Logs option to remove all logs for the project, if needed.

  3. Export Logs: Select specific log entries and use the Export option to save them in a file format for further analysis.

  4. Rerun Processes: If necessary, use the Rerun option to execute the entire process or specific tasks again based on the logs.

Pro Tip


Regularly review and analyze logs to identify patterns or recurring issues. This proactive approach can help in optimizing workflows and improving overall system performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I reconnect a disconnected process?

If a process becomes disconnected, review the logs to identify the point of failure. Correct any configuration issues and rerun the process using the Rerun option in the logs section.

2. Can I schedule automatic log exports?

Currently, automatic log exports are not supported. However, you can manually export logs periodically for backup and analysis.

3. How can I troubleshoot errors in my logs?

Use the detailed information in the logs to pinpoint errors. Look for failed records, error messages, and execution steps. This information can guide you in resolving issues.

4. What should I do if my logs are too large?

If logs are too large, use the filters to narrow down the entries. Export and archive older logs regularly to maintain optimal performance in the logs section.

Example log details

[2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] TaskProcessor Process started...

[2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] TaskProcessor Run time properties:

[2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] S3Storage Fetching Object from S3 took 55ms :dbsync-cw-prod/cw/16875/71/72/72_dcw.session RequestID:SD54YZZAESGWHAYK

[2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] TaskProcessor session.runtime.last_completed_run=2024-08-02T16\:04\:03.000+0000

[2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] TaskProcessor session.runtime.last_run_start_time=2024-08-02T16\:03\:57.000+0000

[2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] TaskProcessor session.runtime.last_success_run=2024-08-02T16\:04\:03.000+0000

[2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] TaskProcessor session.runtime.last_success_start_run=2024-08-02T16\:03\:57.000+0000

[2024-08-02 16:08:46] [INFO] [2][variable][Row No.:1] VariableCommandAction Set Variable:Name = ashwin

[2024-08-02 16:08:47] [INFO] [3][debug][Row No.:1] DebugCommandAction ashwin

[2024-08-02 16:08:47] [INFO] [1][flow][Row No.:1] LoopableAbstractCommandAction Exiting for loop: 1

[2024-08-02 16:08:50] [INFO] TaskProcessor Updating Run-time properties...

[2024-08-02 16:08:52] [INFO] TaskProcessor Runtime Properties updated with last_completed_run=2024-08-02T16:08:50.000+0000| last_run_start_time=2024-08-02T16:08:44.000+0000| last_success_run=2024-08-02T16:08:50.000+0000| last_success_start_run=2024-08-02T16:08:44.000+0000|

[2024-08-02 16:08:52] [INFO] TaskProcessor Runtime Properties Updation status : success

[2024-08-02 16:08:52] [INFO] TaskProcessor Process Completed

[2024-08-02 16:08:52] [INFO] TaskProcessor Run Summary

[2024-08-02 16:08:52] [INFO] TaskProcessor

[#] Action Data In Data Out

[1] [flow] 0 1

[2] [variable] 1 1

[3] [debug] 1 0

[2024-08-02 16:08:52] [INFO] TaskProcessor ------------------------------

Log Breakdown

1. Task Start

  • [2024-08-02 16:08:44] [INFO] TaskProcessor Process started...

  • This indicates the beginning of the task processing.

2. Run Time Properties

  • [INFO] TaskProcessor Run time properties:

  • This section outlines the key runtime properties related to the task execution, providing context for the overall process.

3. Fetching Object from S3

  • [INFO] S3Storage Fetching Object from S3 took 55ms:

  • This entry shows that an object was fetched from an S3 bucket, taking 55 milliseconds. The specific object being accessed is identified by its Request ID.

4. Session Runtime Information

  • Last Completed Run: Indicates the timestamp of the last completed run.

  • Last Run Start Time: Indicates when the last run started.

  • Last Success Run: Indicates the timestamp of the last successful run.

  • Last Success Start Run: Indicates when the last successful run started.

  • These entries help track the timing of task executions and their outcomes.

5. Variable Setting

  • [INFO] [variable][Row No.:1] VariableCommandAction Set Variable: Name = ashwin:

  • A variable named "ashwin" is being set during the task execution, indicating that the workflow is manipulating or processing data associated with this variable.

6. Debugging Information

  • [INFO] [debug][Row No.:1] DebugCommandAction ashwin:

  • This log shows that the value of the variable "ashwin" is being outputted for debugging purposes.

7. Loop Exit

  • [INFO] [flow][Row No.:1] LoopableAbstractCommandAction Exiting for loop: 1:

  • This indicates that the workflow has exited a loop after processing one iteration.

8. Updating Runtime Properties

  • [INFO] TaskProcessor Updating Run-time properties...:

  • The system is updating the runtime properties with the latest execution details.

9. Runtime Properties Updated

  • [INFO] TaskProcessor Runtime Properties updated with last_completed_run...:

  • This confirms that the runtime properties have been successfully updated with the latest execution timestamps.

10. Process Completion

  • [INFO] TaskProcessor Process Completed:

  • This indicates that the task has completed its execution.

11. Run Summary

  • [INFO] TaskProcessor Run Summary:

  • This section summarizes the actions taken during the task execution:

    • Action: Lists the actions performed (e.g., flow, variable, debug).

    • Data In: Number of data records input into the action.

    • Data Out: Number of data records output from the action.

    • For example, the flow processed 0 data in but produced 1 data out.

Last updated