Flow Builder

How to Use the "Flow Builder" in DBSync Cloud Workflow


The Flow Builder in DBSync Cloud Workflow is a powerful tool that allows users to create and manage complex workflows visually. It provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface to design workflows that integrate various applications and automate data processes. This guide outlines the steps to use the Flow Builder effectively.

Steps to Use the Flow Builder

Access the Flow Builder

  1. Login to DBSync Cloud Workflow: Navigate to the DBSync website and click on 'Login'. Enter your credentials to access the platform.

  2. Create a New Project: Once logged in, click on Create to start a new project. Provide a name for your project (e.g., My Workflow Project) and create a Task (Salesforce Order to Cash). Click Configure to Navigate to the Flow Builder.

Open the Flow Builder

  1. Navigate to Flow Builder: From the project dashboard, locate and select the Flow Builder option. This will open the graphical interface where you can design your workflow.

Add Actions to the Flow

  1. Drag and Drop Actions: In the Flow Builder, you will see a palette of available actions on the left side. Drag and drop the desired actions onto the canvas. Common actions include:

  • Query: To retrieve data from a source.

  • Email: To send emails.

  • SQL: To perform SQL operations.

  • Flow: To execute sub-flows.

  • Variable: To manage variables (e.g., 'AccountName') and assign it a value.

  • Transform & Write: To transform data and send it to a target system.

  • Debug: To monitor and troubleshoot the workflow.

  • If: To add conditional logic.

  • For: To create loops.

Configure Each Action

  1. Configure Action Settings: Click on each action you added to the flow to configure its settings. This may include:

  • Selecting data sources (e.g., Salesforce, QuickBooks).

  • Specifying parameters or conditions for the action.

  • Defining how data should be transformed or mapped.

Connect Actions

  1. Establish Connections: Connect the actions in your workflow by dragging a line from the output of one action to the input of another. This defines the flow of data between the actions.

Set Up Triggers and Conditions

  1. Define Triggers: If your workflow needs to be initiated based on specific events (e.g., a new record in a database), set up triggers accordingly.

  2. Add Conditions: You can add conditional logic to your workflow to execute certain actions based on specific criteria (e.g., if a field value meets a certain condition).

Save and Test the Workflow

  1. Save Your Workflow: Once you have configured all actions and connections, click Save to store your workflow.

  2. Test the Workflow: Run the workflow to test its functionality. Monitor the output and check for any errors or issues. Use the Debug action to help identify problems.

Monitor and Modify the Workflow

  1. Review Logs and Outputs: After running the workflow, review the logs to see the execution details and any errors that may have occurred.

  2. Make Adjustments: If necessary, return to the Flow Builder to make adjustments based on the test results. This may include modifying action configurations, changing connections, or adding new actions.


Utilize the Debug action frequently during the workflow design process. It helps to catch and resolve errors early, ensuring smoother workflow execution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I reconnect a disconnected action?

If an action gets disconnected, simply drag a new line from the output of the preceding action to the input of the next action. Ensure that the connections are properly established to maintain the data flow.

2. Can I reuse workflows across different projects?

Yes, you can export workflows from one project and import them into another. This helps in reusing common workflows and maintaining consistency across projects.

3. How can I monitor the execution of my workflow?

You can monitor workflow execution through the logs and output sections within the Flow Builder. These provide detailed information about each action's execution, helping you troubleshoot any issues.

4. What if I need to change the configuration of an action after saving the workflow?

You can always return to the Flow Builder, click on the action you want to reconfigure, make the necessary changes, and save the workflow again. Testing the workflow after modifications is recommended to ensure it functions as expected.

  • Creating Custom Tasks: Discover how to build custom tasks using the DBSync Task Builder.

  • Query: Learn to add queries for retrieving data from various sources.

  • Integrating Variables: Use variables to pass data between actions seamlessly.

  • Log Management - Manage and view logs to troubleshoot and monitor integration processes.

  • Transformation - Explore examples of using query transformations in your DBSync integration projects.

Last updated