Upgrade Utility

Quick Start with Upgrade Utility

The process to upgrade the existing version to New version of DBSync Cloud Replication and CDM. If you are running the current version of replication then with the help of Upgrade Utility you can Upgrade to the newer version of Cloud Replication and CDM.

Note: Upgrade Utility works for Version-6.4.5 and later versions only.

Now, no longer to wait for new built features and fixes. With the help of Upgrade Utility, you can upgrade all the processes including new enhancements and bug fixes.

Steps by Steps Guide to Run Upgrade Utility

Follow these steps to run the Upgrade Utility process to get new feature enhancements and bug fixes.

  1. First to install the latest version of Cloud Replication and CDM.

  2. Once, the installation is complete then go to the Installation folder path and then click on the scripts folder and you will find the Upgrade-ui batch file.

  3. Click on the Upgrade-ui batch file and it opens the Upgrade Utility 2.0 window to start the Upgrade Utility process.

  4. Another, process to go to the start menu and click the DBSync Cloud CDM to see the Upgrade Utility option to start the upgrade process.

  5. You can choose to backup the current version into your local system. To complete the backup, click 'Select' next to the option 'Backup Directory' as shown in the image below:

  6. Choose a desired location as shown to start the backup process as shown below:

  7. Once the Upgrade Utility windows pop up then click on the Upgrade button to check whether the update is available or not. If the update is available then it will show the latest version.

  8. Click on the update button it will show a message "DBSync application will be started automatically once if the update is successfully completed".

  9. Click on "OK" button will automatically stop your tomcat in the background, and start the Upgrade process instantly.

  10. Once the Upgrade process started then you will see the progress % completion on the top of the message box.

  11. You can see the up and running file size details like how much data is downloadind and pending for download.

  12. Once the update process is completed, then you will see all the details in the message box below.

  13. Once the update process is completed then it will show a message " DBSync application was successfully updated and is ready to use".

  14. Click on "OK" button to start the tomcat again and you will get access to all new enhancement of Cloud Replication and CDM Version.

  15. And, If you are running a current and updated version then it will show a message "No new updates found".