

Refer below logs screen and perform descriptions or actions explianed below to understand the status of the workflows.

  • Search by App: Use the search by App functionality to toggle between various apps that are synced for backup

  • Start and end date: You can see the list of backups taken date-wise for a specific time. Choose the relevant timelines as needed for the list from the calendar

  • Auto refresh logs: You can turn on or off the auto-refresh logs options by clicking the toggle button. If it is on, the logs will automatically get refreshed. You can also choose to manually refresh logs by clicking

  • Refresh logs.

  • Expand all: Use the expand all functionality to see the various objects

  • Clear logs or export: You can clear all logs by clicking the clear logs option or choose to export all logs as a file by clicking the export option

  • Click the arrow next to profile name to expand vario.us objects and check the status of the back up

  • The progress or percentage of completion can be see under progress.

  • You can also record the number of successfully backed-up entries and the errors.

  • The status bar, description, and time elapsed show the backup status, time taken for the backup, and the description if completed or incomplete.

  • The total number of successful entries for the backup is recorded under actions

Last updated