Single File Logging
profilesSingle file logging is useful to view the log details separately in a single file in the required location. This feature can be used in DBSync Cloud Replication by following a simple process mentioned below.
Download the latest version (6.x) of the ZIP or EXE file of the DBSync Cloud Replication tool from DBSync website using the URL (If the latest version of DBSync Cloud Replication is already installed, this step must be ignored).
Same can be done through following path can be referred dbsync-cdm> WEB-INF > db > conf >
Open, identify the below commands. If not available, these commands must be included.
log.dir=<dir for the log file>
log.filename=<name of the file>
log.append=<true or false> true is to add the logs to the existing file and false is to overwrite the existing file with new logs.
Save or & restart the server before running the replication. After running the replication logs can be viewed from the new location in a single file.