
Create a Process and embed Workflows


Tasks are processes. A process is a collection of workflows. A process is a collection of workflows that makes integration work. Any process can be scheduled to run at regular intervals.

The process listing page has download functionality. A user can download a whole set of processes - download project in a zipped format to the local file system. The process can also be shared with other users in the organization


  • Open a desired project

  • Click on the drop-down next to 'Task'

  • Click 'Create'

  • Enter a name for your process and click 'Select Agent'

  • From the list of option choose 'Assign to Bot' for creating an automated workflow.

  • You can choose to maintain manual tasks by choosing other options

  • Click Configure

  • You will be redirected to the 'Flow' Screen

  • Add flows, queries, variables and create your process or tasks.