
Describe the Workflow you want to create


A flow describes the workflow you want to create. Flows can be utlised in combination with various queries and variables to create workflows. You can enable or disable any flow which will also enable or disable that specific workflow while running the integration


  • Open a desired project

  • Click on the drop-down next to 'Task'

  • Click 'Create'

  • Enter a name for your process and click 'Select Agent'

  • From the list of option choose 'Assign to Bot' for creating an automated workflow.

  • You can choose to maintain manual tasks by choosing other options

  • Click Configure

  • You will be redirected to the 'Flow' Screen

  • Drag and drop the 'Flow Icon' From the left panel to the centre of the screen.

  • Enter a desired name for the flow and click 'Save'

You can use the check-box next to 'Disabled Flow' to enable or disable a flow. This will do the same operation on all the queries, variables or transformations within this flow.