

To Sync source Objects to Target

Follow the below-mentioned steps to sync the objects to your database from the Source instance:

  • Ensure you are connected to your source and target instances and verify the connection.

  • Click 'Objects' from the top navigation toolbar to select objects to replicate.

  • Select any "source apps objects" you want to sync into the database from the left objects section.

  • From the " Available Fields " section, select the object fields you want to sync into the database and use the "Exclude Fields" section to filter out fields you don't want to sync.

  • Click the RUN button to run the configuration for the Source object.

  • Choose any of the 4 functions to perform:

Run Process

Actions Performed

Update Schema

Creates source apps schema into database for the selected source apps objects.

Clean Copy

Inserts a clean copy of the Source object records into respective database tables & columns.

Source to DB

Performs incremental sync from Souce to the database based on the changes/edits made in the Source

DB to Source

Performs incremental sync from the Database to the Source based on the changes/edits made in the Database.

Metadata Backup

It backs up your metadata for the objects selected from your source.

Formula Field Update

Backup values from a formula expression defined. The formula field is updated when any of the source fields change.

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