Archive and Non Archive Mode

  • Archive mode of replication inserts a new record in Cassandra when the existing record is updated in source apps. This feature helps to maintain historical record.

  • Non Archive mode of replication updates the existing record in Cassandra when the existing record is updated in source apps.

Switching between Archive and Non Archive mode:

To identify and change the mode of the replication, the below mentioned steps must be followed.

  • Locate the properties file by accessing the Cassandra folder saved in the below path

Installation Folder (DBSyncCReplSF3) > dbsync-repl > WEB-INF > db > Cassandra

  • Open the file config.properites to indentify the command cassandra.archive=true or cassandra.archive=false

  • cassandra.archive=true is for Archive mode of replication and cassandra.archive=false is for Non Archive mode of replication. Based on the requirement true or false must be used before running the replication in DBSync Replication tool.

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